
First post

Well just when I thought I couldn't be on one more internet community (Myspace, Etsy, Threadless, Facebook, Flickr, etc--half of which I loathe) here comes Blogspot!

I might as well let you know of the first project that I'll be posting about.
They're monster pouches!
I know what you're thinking, how could you store things in them without having sir monster consumer them... well... my nice little fabric lining does a swell job of that.

I currently have a berry-colored and off-white one completed, and am considering doing a purple one.

I've been working on my Etsy furisouly over the past few weeks. I heard that loads of sellers have slumps in sales over summer. I hope I'm not one of them. Hence, opening this bloggerdoodle.

♥ Kirsten


Unknown said...

Ahhh, those are so cute! :D I'm visiting friends in eastern NC right now, but my mom told me the kitty bed arrived! She's waiting for me to come home to give it to Eli, though. So on Friday, he'll be getting his present. :) And she told me that you included a little yarn mouse for him that I'm sure he'll adore! Thank you!

Kirsten said...

Yay! Yeah, my kitties are obsessed with actually EATING my yarn, so you might want to watch him when he plays with it, hehe.

Gina said...

Aw you have a blog. I have two but they are quite boring. Hope all is well and we need to catch up sometime! Feel free to call me at any time.
