
Obligatory Summer Sale

Well since my shop keeps getting fuller and fuller, I'm having a huge sale to try to make room for my new recycle-themed collection that I'm about half way done with.

Sale prices are such:

• 10% off an order of $5 or more.
• 15% off $15+.
• 20% off $25+.
• 25% off $30+.

Check it.


Monster Series

My long project is finally coming to a close. Well, unless someone taps me for a custom order anytime soon.

But I started with cases, had worked on some monster patches, now am finishing up my bags. I still have to list the appliques (which I may do tonight), and the bags probably on Monday or Tuesday. I have spent many many hours on these, and I feel like they're my children (probably because I locked myself in a room in front of a television and watched programs that frighten me). Here are some of the bags (one still is a WIP).

07 - Me Julie
One of the more feminine bags I've worked on, has a sweet heart print lining the inside. Aside from the wonky face, I got the inspiration for the name from the brilliant Ali G. Can't forget me Julie. It's aight, innit? Cuz dat's no prozzie, dat's me ho!

Somewhat of a small bag, still gets the job done, and yeah know what? I'm certainly proud of it.

08 - Sgt Rowe and Little Herbert
What can I say, Mike Rowe is a babe. My many hours of watching the Discovery Channel has me thinking I'm going to track down Mike Rowe and marry him. Sadly, I even got excited when I saw on Dirty Jobs he visited a town about 30 minutes away from me. So of course I'm going to dedicate something to him.

Anywho, someone along the lines decided Herbert would be a fitting name for a monster bag, and I concur. Since it'd taken me many hours to crochet a large messenger bag, I thought I'd spiff it up a bit. Well when you open the flap to get into your bag, it's revealed that sir Rowe has an itty bitty monster inside him--two monsters in one!

Since the bag is so long, I'm sure it's much more handy to be able to reach your cell phone by opening the flap, versus digging in the belly of the beast. Hence, where little Herbert comes in handy.

09 - Charlie
Charlie is a worrisome little monster. He kind of looks scared, and maybe that he needs a good home. It was my first time working with wooden handles (which I'm in love with by the way), and I decided to give him giant blunt teeth instead of jagged ones. I also stuffed them with some yarn scraps so they have an extra fluff to them.

This project was very rewarding in the way that my BFF and roommate Steve & I had a dashing time of sticking those little green eyes in his glasses before they were sewn onto the bag. It was quite amusing, I even have some photographic evidence of it.

10 - as of now? not named.
All I can tell you is that I'm working with some grey yarn, and plan on making a wider version of Sgt Rowe, though not as tall. Oh the joys of discovery!

Ok, back to watching programs about the dinosaurs, space, and serial killers.

And I wonder why I have nightmares...


Minger is the best crafting buddy

'Nuff said.

She helped me craft today, and inspired me to keep all yarn and string away from her so there won't be a $1200 vet bill. Noooooo Ming Ming, noooooo!


Not one, but two.

This blog is about two things. First topic: Amazing boucle yarn. I think I would marry boucle yarn if I could. I wish it had a name, a really tough, manly man’s name… something like… Frank. Though I suppose it’d still be pink. Either way, I’m smitten. I started making these awesome fingerless gloves out of it, and added a sweet strawberry patch onto it. I’m definitely making one of these for myself come winter.

Next item of discussion, an awesome cupcake bag. I don't know what my obsession with cupcakes has been lately, but I could probably devour an
entire pan (don't worry, I haven't let myself near any cupcakes because of that very reason). Anywho, the bag itself is very pretty, and I'm extremely fond of the color scheme. I still have to work on it tonight and line the strap along with the bag. That purple flower pattern you see for the top of the cupcake is what I think I'll be using to line it. I'm not exactly sure about the strap, I might mix it up and use the base of the cupcake fabric (oh heavens to Betsy, how exciting!).

Other than that, things are still moving along slow. I had my first sale in 12 days, and I'm hoping not to fall into another drought.

• Strawberry
• Cupcake


Bein' a Busy Bee

After deciding I need to keep a record of EVERYTHING dealing with Etsy, I've started using Excel. I've even been tracking my hours. Since I've started the monster pouches, it was at 11 hours for the month of June, now it's at 22. How sad.

I have quite a few finished so far. The ones I planned to make after these, I think I may change my plan and make them into bags. Because--let's face it, I think there's already enough monster pouches.

Anywho, I'm in the process of coming up with names for them. The green is Alistair (I imagine him a British gentleman--or possibly a cunning sleuth!), the orange is Tiny, and the white is Curly. And I think with that, I've gone completely mad.

I've also been protoming the hell out of Etsy lately, and still haven't had a sale for 8 days and counting. I've fallen victim to the summer decrease of sales.

• Curly 01
• Tiny 02
• Muffy 03
• Alistair 04
• Erxy 05


First post

Well just when I thought I couldn't be on one more internet community (Myspace, Etsy, Threadless, Facebook, Flickr, etc--half of which I loathe) here comes Blogspot!

I might as well let you know of the first project that I'll be posting about.
They're monster pouches!
I know what you're thinking, how could you store things in them without having sir monster consumer them... well... my nice little fabric lining does a swell job of that.

I currently have a berry-colored and off-white one completed, and am considering doing a purple one.

I've been working on my Etsy furisouly over the past few weeks. I heard that loads of sellers have slumps in sales over summer. I hope I'm not one of them. Hence, opening this bloggerdoodle.

♥ Kirsten